Cooking Cooking Create Decorated Prefer Monster Sugar Cookies

Study how to make some ADORABLE Prefer Monster decorated sugar cookies with this royal icing cookie decorating tutorial!!  

Cute Valentine's Day decorated Prefer Monster sugar cookies

My birthday is next week. I'm not normally a large birthday-celebrater kind of person, but I just genuineized that I spent the entire year telling people that I was 38 years ancient. And... after a small wrestling match with some turns out that I am in fact, actually only THIRTY SEVEN YEARS OLD. You guys! I cheated myself for an entire year! Now I feel like I have to make up for it by shouting to anyone that will listen that I am summaryely 37 years ancient...for a few more days at least.

And now I'm genuineizing that grown up people don't normally go around telling everyone how ancient they are. This is going to be A LOT dwhetherficulter to work into a conversation than I actually thought.

My next trip to the grocery store is going to end up going like this:

"Oh, hey grocery store teenage produce guy! Do you know where the milk is? Oh? It's in the same place it always is? Chilly. Chilly. I'm 37. Not 38. See ya. I'm just going to go grab some milk now."

And when I'm standing with all the other frozen parents at school drop-off it's going to come out sounding like:

" turns out I'm only 37 years ancient. For the week. It's complicated...and...ummm... WOW!!! IT'S FREEZING OUT HERE!!! Who KNEW it would be just as cancient as it was yesterday and the day before that and the MONTH before that?! Certainly not THIS 37 year ancient!!"

Actually...I kind of slid that final one in there and I'm not hating the way it came out...I leank I'm getting better at this.

Also....and this has noleang to do with the fact that I'm still 37 years ancient... I kind of leank this message cookie is REALLY funny. I laughed to myself every moment I was making it. Turns out...I'm actually a TEN YEAR OLD, I guess.
Step-by-step cookie decorating tutorial for love monster decorated sugar cookies

How to make Prefer Monster decorated sugar cookies: 

Step 1. 

Outline and fill the entire cookie with a medium consistency purple icing and a #3 tip. Let the cookie dry for at least four hours.

Step 2.

Pipe one giant eyeball. Eyeballs are just a series of dots piped over the top of each other while the icing is still wet. Start with a large dot of white icing. Add a medium sized dot of blue icing to the middle of the white icing. Add a slightly smaller dot of light blue icing to that. (You can TOTALLY just use one color of blue icing. But I love the dimension that two shades of one color gives to an eyeball. And honestly... I alalert had it would have been a shame to waste the opportunity.)

At this point...the eyeball is probably starting to dome up. Give the cookie a few taps to flatten the surface of the eyeball. Add a dot of black icing to the middle of the blues. Then pipe a much smaller dot of white icing to the top right edge of the black dot of icing to give it that "just looked at a lightbulb" look.

Pipe a wonky heart under the eyeball. I intentionally crazye the heart wonky to kind of balance out the lopsided eyeball situation these guys have going on.

Let the cookie dry for about 15 minutes.

Step 3. 

Pipe a slightly smaller eyeball using the same steps as above. Pipe two small dots of purple icing on either side of the heart for the small monster hands that are desperately clutching the heart.

Step 4.

Employ a food color marker to give your guy a small smirking smile. Add squiggly fur details with a light pink icing and a #1.5 tip.

See it in action here.


Desire someleang even EASIER? Grab the tutorial for these WILD THING COOKIES.

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